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" Churches ; and we shall endeavour to bring the Churches of God in the three kingdoms to the nearest conjunction and uniformity in religion, confession of faith, form of Church government, directory for worship and catechising, that we, and our posterity... "
Historical Remarks on the Ancient and Present State of the Cities of London ... - Page 35
de R. B. - 1810 - 178 pages
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The New Larned History for Ready Reference, Reading and Research ..., Volume 4

Josephus Nelson Larned - 1923 - 992 pages for worship and catechizing; that we and our posterity after us, may as brethren live in fiith and love, and the Lord may delight to dwell in the midst of us. That we shall in like manner, without respect of persons, endeavour the extirpation of popery, prelacy...
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The Quakers: Their Story and Message

Alfred Neave Brayshaw - 1927 - 326 pages
...enforced.2 This agreement was set out in the Solemn League and Covenant of 1643 in order, as it says, " that we and our posterity after us may as brethren...the Lord may delight to dwell in the midst of us." The Scots also obtained as part of their price the execution of Archbishop Laud, whose attempt 1 Baxter,...
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English Constitutional Conflicts of the Seventeenth Century: 1603-1689

J. R. Tanner - 1928 - 332 pages religion, confession of faith, form of Church government, directory for worship and catechising, that we and our posterity after us may as brethren...the Lord may delight to dwell in the midst of us". Another clause of the Covenant pledged the Parliament to "endeavour the extirpation of Popery, prelacy,...
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Burned Books: Neglected Chapters in British History and Literature, Volume 1

Charles Ripley Gillett - 1932 - 396 pages
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The Loyal Clans

Audrey Cunningham - 1932 - 612 pages
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The Edinburgh Source Book for British History, 1603-1707

Basil Williams - 1933 - 136 pages
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The Personality of George Fox

Alfred Neave Brayshaw - 1933 - 218 pages
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Church Union in Canada: Its Causes and Consequences

Claris Edwin Silcox, Institute of Social and Religious Research - 1933 - 520 pages
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John Wesley in the Evolution of Protestantism

Maximin Piette - 1937 - 680 pages
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The Quakers, Their Story and Message

Alfred Neave Brayshaw - 1938 - 380 pages
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