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" And in thy majesty ride prosperously because of truth and meekness and righteousness; and thy right hand shall teach thee terrible things. Thine arrows are sharp in the heart of the king's enemies; whereby the people fall under thee. "
Thornton Abbey: A Series of Letters on Religious Subjects ... - Page 454
de John Satchel - 1809 - 468 pages
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Tracts and essays, moral and theological, including a defence of the ...

William Hey - 1822 - 654 pages
...thigh, O most Mighty ; with thy glory and thy majesty. And in thy majesty ride prosperously, because of truth, and meekness, and righteousness ; and thy...king's enemies, whereby the people fall under thee." Psalm xlv. 3 — 5. AMEN. SUPPLEMENT. SINCE the publication of the preceding little Tract, the Author...
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Sermons on Various Subjects, Volume 4

Henry Kollock - 1822 - 576 pages
...thigh, O Most Mighty, with thy glory and thy majesty ; and in thy majesty ride prosperously, because of truth, and meekness, and righteousness ; and thy...thee terrible things; thine arrows are sharp in the hearts of the king's enemies, whereby the people fall under thee." Thus, also, he is represented in...
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The arguments of faith; or, Incontrovertible answers to Sophists and Epicureans

Hart Simonds - 1822 - 334 pages
...his fear terrify me." Psa. ii. 9. " Thou shalt break them with the rod," Ib. xlv. .6 •" Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever : the sceptre of thy kingdom is a right sceptre," (namely, the rod of chastisement, as aforesaid). Ib. 4. " Gird thy sword," &c. Ib. 5. " Thine...
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The Youth's instructer [sic] and guardian, Volume 6

1842 - 622 pages
...sweet love ; but pardon our sins, and perfect what thou hast begun. Ride on, Lord, because of the word of truth, and meekness, and righteousness, and thy right hand shall teach thee terrible things. Especially, bless this portion here assembled together, with thy unworthy servant speaking unto them...
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A short view of the whole Scripture history

Isaac Watts - 1822 - 356 pages
...i). The character of this king is described in several Psalms ; as in Psalm xlv. 6, 7. Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever ; the sceptre of thy kingdom is a right sceptre : thou lovest righteousness, and hates t wickedness: therefore God, thy God hath anointed thee...
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The Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine

1850 - 698 pages
...the designs of infinite love. At one time He is addressed in the exalted strain, — " Thy throne, 0 God, is for ever and ever : the sceptre of Thy kingdom is a right sceptre." At another time we hear Him mournfully saying, " But I am a worm, and no man ; a reproach...
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A Summary of Christian Faith and Practice Confirmed by References to the ...

E. J. Burrow - 1822 - 606 pages
...the King of all the earth : sing ye praises with understanding. Psal. xlv. 6. Thy throne, O God, it for ever and ever : the sceptre of thy kingdom is a right sceptre. Phil. iii. 3. For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the Spirit, and rejoice in...
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The Precepts of Jesus: The Guide to Peace and Happiness, Extracted from the ...

Rammohun Roy (Raja) - 1823 - 362 pages
...of men : ' grace is poured into thy lips : therefore God hath £ blessed thee for ever. Thy throne, O God, is '£ for ever and ever : the sceptre of thy kingdom is + a right sceptre. Thou lovest righteousness, and J hatest wickedness: therefore God, thy God, hath + anointed...
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Select British divines, ed. by C. Bradley, Volume 9

Charles Bradley - 1823 - 410 pages
...known throughout the world. 4. ' And in thy majesty ride prosperously, because,' or for the sake, ' of truth, and meekness, and righteousness : and thy right hand shall teach thee terrible,' or wonderful, ' things.' * Messiah is in these words magnificently described, as making his progress...
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Second (Final) appeal to the Christian public, in defence of the 'Precepts ...

Rammohun Roy - 1823 - 412 pages
...children of men ; grace is poured into thy lips : therefore God hath blessed thee for ever. Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever : the sceptre of thy kingdom G g ts a right sceptre. Thou lnvest righteousuess, and hate-<t wickedness : therefore God, thy God,...
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