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Livres Livres
" Not to be solicitous what men will say or think, so long as I keep myself exactly according to the rule of justice. 13. If in criminals it be a measuring cast, to incline to mercy and acquittal. "
Lives of Sir Matthew Hale and John Earl of Rochester - Page 44
de Gilbert Burnet - 1829 - 330 pages
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The Canadian Law Times, Volume 37

Edward B. Brown - 1917 - 898 pages
...rules of justice. 13. If in criminals it be a measuring cast, to incline to mercy and acquittal. 14. In criminals that consist merely in words when no more harm ensues, moderation is no injustice. 16. To abhor all private solicitations of what kind soever, and by whomsoever, in matters depending....
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The Canadian Law Times, Volume 37

Edward B. Brown - 1917 - 900 pages
...what men will say or think, so long as I keep myself exactly according to the rules of justice. » 13. If in criminals it be a measuring cast, to incline to mercy and acquittal. 14. In criminals that consist merely in words when no more harm ensues, moderation is no injustice....
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The Family friend [ed. by R.K. Philp].

Robert Kemp Philp - 1861 - 794 pages
...what men will say or think, so long as I keep myself exactly according to the rule of justice. " 13. If in criminals it be a measuring cast, to incline to mercy and acquittal. " 14. In criminals that consist merely in words, where no more harm ensues, moderation is no injustice....
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The Los Angeles Bar Bulletin, Volume 10

1935 - 320 pages
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Organization and Ethics of the Bench and Bar: Cases and Other Materials

Frederick Charles Hicks - 1932 - 628 pages
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Chicago Bar Record, Volume 23

1941 - 460 pages
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Bar Bulletin, Volume 17

1941 - 326 pages
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Look at the Law: The Law is what the Layman Makes it

Percival E. Jackson - 1940 - 392 pages
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Look at the Law: The Law is what the Layman Makes it

Percival E. Jackson - 1940 - 394 pages
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The Alabama Lawyer: Official Organ State Bar of Alabama, Volumes 13 à 14

1952 - 940 pages
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